1. THIS WEEK: May Series! California Routine & Lindy Chorus Final Practice! Clothing Exchange! DJ Alex Fernandez!
We're so excited to have Jean & Bromley teach for WNH this month! Are you aware that they're open to giving private lessons while they're here? If interested, shoot them an email at jeanandbromley at gmail.com!
If you missed the first week of the wonderful classes we have this month, don't fret -- you can still register for the rest of the series, for a prorated price, too!
http://wednesdaynighthop.com/register/IMPORTANT: This week, The California Routine class that was taught to Level 3 last month will have a chance to practice along with the Lindy Chorus group during the dance at the 15-minute free lesson. Be sure to be there with your partner -- next week we'll celebrate Frankie Manning's birthday and will be shooting our Global Choreo video!
We'll be hosting a Clothing Exchange during our dance this week! Please bring over your NEW or SLIGHTLY USED and CLEAN clothing, shoes, or accessories. We'll have a corner where you can put / hang your things and look at stuff that other people brought. If you like something, it's yours! At the end of the night, don't forget to pick up your items that weren't claimed by anyone, as everything that is left behind will be donated.
Everyone is welcome to participate! We usually have more things brought than taken, so by all means, stop by and take a look!
https://www.facebook.com/events/631598480257228/The FFFabulous DJ Alex FFFernandez is spinning his tunes for us this week!